How Localization Management Platform Can Support Your E-Commerce Business? 

E-commerce localization management

If your product or service has the potential to surpass competitors in the local market and establish a strong customer base, then why not globalize it to expand your network and presence in the e-commerce industry? The industry has huge potential as the e-commerce business recorded 5.2 trillion USD worth of sales last year and is expected to reach new heights this year. Considering this whopping figure, it is your time to embrace the global e-commerce market and witness success. And if you are already operating globally, you can consider some of these factors that will surely skyrocket your e-commerce sales.  

This blog delves into some impactful facts you should consider for your e-commerce business localization. E-commerce localization seems quite similar to website localization but it includes some additional localization support and specific attention to detail. E-commerce stores consume content in different formats and all the content has to be localized into multiple languages to serve a global audience. E-commerce localization management enhances the impact of your store, improves your marketing strategy and delivers a highly immersive experience to the end user.  

Marketing Content Translation 

Your marketing content can be the game changer for your e-commerce store. You just have to employ proven strategies by analyzing your target market and competitors. Businesses are adopting digital ways to enhance their performance and expand. The ultimate goal of globalization cannot be achieved without localizing your marketing content into several languages.  

By localizing your marketing content, you can run ads for specific areas and can find out best selling products for each market. Moreover, you will definitely observe massive rise in sales and can generate lucrative profits by launching more localized products in those areas. Localization gives you insights about each market and empowers you to understand demographics. In this way, you can unleash the potential of new markets for your e-commerce store and witness success. 

Marketing content translation includes: 

  • Promotional ads. 
  • Social media posts. 
  • Brochure designs and visuals. 
  • User manual. 
  • Technical guide. 
  • Terms and Conditions. 

Videos and Product Demonstration 

Promotional videos and product demos are the most powerful source of media that bring huge traffic to your e-commerce website and allure customers to buy your products. However, language barriers limit your market reach and highlight the communication gaps between you and your potential customer. Moreover, search engines promote the content that is localized to serve a global audience. You will be probably uploading videos for your products in the local market, but you can embrace global success by localizing your videos for the global audience.  

There are several localization service providers you can find online, but not everyone possess sufficient skills and tactics to deliver exceptional service. In this case, you may consider the help of localization management platforms. A video translation platform provides one-stop solution to translate and localize your videos to resonate with your target audience. It empowers your videos to reach a wider audience and drive more conversions. A professionally localized video or product demo makes you stand out from competitors and win new markets.  

These platforms offer multiple services to ensure professional localization of your videos. 

  • Video content translation. 
  • Subtitles.  
  • Transcreation. 
  • Transcription. 

E-commerce Website Localization 

This is the most important aspect of store localization. You have all the content you need for your e-commerce business, but it is essential to localize your entire website according to your target market. Modern website tools allow you to navigate your website into different languages by just one click; however, you will have to upload professionally translated content for a realistic user experience. Website localization requires proficiency and years of experience to exceed your expectations and make it more appealing. 

Website user interfaces need to be localized to improve your customer base and make a lasting impression. User interface localization includes website theme, design, buttons, links, meta titles and taglines. Your e-commerce store can be localized into different languages to serve global customers. Content translation management platforms handle all the hassle to make your website content appealing to a diverse audience. These platforms hire translators from different areas so that they should deliver a copy that resonates with each specific target market.  

Apart from user interface, your e-commerce store content and web pages need professional localization to maintain credibility. A reliable translation management platform can work on your website content and different target markets to create a copy that delivers your message with the same tone, context and approach. In this way, you can ensure that your web content is understandable and attracts global customers.  

Last but not the least, you should translate your informational blogs that educate your visitors and convert them into buyers. 

Here are some of the website materials that need to be localized by a professional translation management platform for unmatched user experience. 

  • User interface 
  • Web pages. 
  • Blogs and articles. 
  • Product name and tags. 
  • Product description. 

Final Word 

The Internet is taking the world by storm and most importantly CovID-19 pandemic fueled the demand for e-commerce stores. With time, you have to adopt unique strategies to keep yourself different from others and surpass competition. E-commerce store localization is your gateway to global success as the industry is rapidly expanding. Furthermore, you can turbocharge your content productivity by employing above mentioned localization techniques.  

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